
Virtual Resource Fair Q&A

Join us for an interactive Q&A session to learn about resources available for graduate and professional students at UW! Hear from a panel of speakers representing Hall Health, the Counseling Center, SafeCampus, UW Resilience Lab, Graduate Funding & Information Services, and the HUB. 

Here is a link to a video recording of the Virtual Resource Fair Q&A!

Academic Success

Do you want some support in your graduate studies? Check out some of the FREE services for graduate students offered by these centers:


Trying balance graduate school and kids? Check out these resources to ease the search and to see what’s available for kids and families on campus:

Health & Well-being

This can be a hectic time of your life but don’t forget to put your well-being and self-care first! Check out some of these resources offered here on campus:


Are you looking for a roommate or a place to live? Don’t worry, you have options!

Identity & Culture

We have some great campus-wide support for graduate students of color. Intersectionality matters! Check out Diversity at the University of Washington and the wonderful services and events happening around campus.

Check Out Our New GPSS Diversity Resources Linktree here

Professional Development

Besides attending the GO-MAP Power Hours, there are many opportunities to build skills and networks for that dream job after grad school!


It can be tough to navigate a new city like Seattle! We have a great metro system that makes getting around easy.

  • The OneBusAway app lets you know when your bus is coming, if it’s running late, and the route it takes to get to and from your location. It was also created by UW grad students!
  • Trip Planner can help you plan your trips throughout the Puget Sound region.  You can use the mobile app or desktop version!