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The Climate Conscious Gardener

Climate conscious gardener cover “The Climate Conscious Gardener” is the latest in the Brooklyn Botanic Garden Guides for a Greener Planet. While most of the contributing authors live in the Northeast, one of the five chapters, “Turning Your Landscape into a Carbon Sink,” was written by Arboretum Foundation staff member Niall Dunne. To give an objective perspective, I’ll quote from a review in HortIdeas (published by Greg and Pat Williams in Gravel Switch, Kentucky — so no regional bias here): “Dunne’s chapter alone is worth getting the book…with valuable information on numerous techniques for sequestering carbon in backyard gardens. Wouldn’t it be great if amateurs throughout the U.S. could keep a really huge amount of carbon out of the atmosphere?”

Excerpted from the Fall 2010 Arboretum Bulletin.