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on the grape variety “Sweet Seduction”

Do you have any information on a new grape variety called Sweet Seduction? I am interested in vigor, fruit set, and ripening time.


Depending on the source, this is either a beautiful and productive grape or a straggly one with poorly filled clusters. It received praise from Lon Rombough, a grape expert from Oregon. The Home Orchard Society has a brief discussion about Sweet Seduction. These first two sources do not think much of this seedless grape. It is also mentioned in a list of American grapes and hybrids in the book McGee and Stuckey’s Bountiful Container (Workman, 2002):
“Introduced by Oregon grape grower Bill Schulz, Sweet Seduction is an unusual variety with exceptional flavor. It produces beautiful golden yellow seedless grapes with a muscat-like taste that we usually associate with European grapes (…) Vigorous and productive, [it] bears large and attractive clusters of its seductively flavored fruit.”

Anecdotal comments on the web suggest that this variety begins to bear fruit at between 2 to 3 years after planting, and may produce 10 to 15 pounds of grapes. It is hardy in Sunset zones 5 – 9 and can grow 15 to 20 feet.