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Chrysanthemum and sporting

I was puttering around in my flower garden and discovered a chrysanthemum that has apparently sported. The same plant has one substantial stem with distinctly different colored flowers. I have never read of this happening before. It is doubtful it is anything but a different color but hey it happened in my garden.

“In common with many other plants the Chrysanthemum occasionally produces a mutation or change called a “sport.” This is a variation from the normal for a particular variety. The cells of the part or parts affected change and cause the difference. While this can occur in any part of the plant or bloom, the most noticeable is a change of flower colour. You may for example find that a white-flowered variety has changed to yellow and this can be of any degree from a stripe in one petal to a whole flower, or even the whole plant being affected. Cuttings taken from a whole plant sport are likely to stay the new colour. Where a whole bloom sport occurs they would probably need to be taken from the stem concerned. If only a petal or two, the chances of fixing it are rather slim.”

Source: A Plantsman’s Guide to Chrysanthemums, by J. Woolman, 1989, p. 115).

So it is fairly normal, but interesting anyway!