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growing and caring for Dracaena fragrans ‘Massangeana’

I recently repotted my Dracaena fragrans ‘Massangeana.’ Some of the leaves have turned brown. Can you tell me what might be causing this?


We cannot diagnose plant problems via email. However, we may be able to give you some ideas of what might be happening. The browning leaves could be the result of too much or too little water. The soil should be kept lightly moist, but avoid overwatering. Avoid giving fluoridated water, as this plant is especially sensitive to it. It is also sensitive to temperature changes (up or down) and should not be near heating or air-conditioning vents. Repotting may have caused some stress to the roots. According to The Complete Houseplant Survival Manual by Barbara Pleasant (Storey Publishing, 2005), brown spots on leaves can be the result of sun scorch. This plant prefers moderate to bright indirect light.

Here is a link to discussions from a gardening forum sponsored by the University of British Columbia. Here is another from the same site.

Here is a link to information about diagnosing problems with houseplants from Penn State Extension.