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lists for invasive and noxious weeds

Can you provide me with an extensive list of resources for checking whether a plant is invasive or a noxious weed?


Here is a list of helpful resources:

Washington State Noxious Weed List from the US Department of Agriculture

State noxious weed list and schedule of monetary penalties from the Washington State Legislature

Class A, Class B, and Class C

Washington Department of Ecology (aquatic plants)

Washington Invasive Species Coalition and their GardenWise handbook

King County Noxious Weed Lists

National Invasive Species Lists

Plant Conservation Alliance Alien Plant Invaders list

Invasives in British Columbia

The lists which are national in scope are useful too, as some plants not
yet officially listed as invasive here may still be plants to watch out

There are a great many books on this subject. A recent one, co-authored
by a faculty member here, is Invasive Species in the Pacific Northwest edited by P.D. Boersma, S.H. Reichard, and A.N. Van Buren; Rebecca L. Gamboa, photo editor.
University of Washington Press, c2006.