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difference between Zauschneria and Epilobium

Is there a difference between Zauschneria and Epilobium, also called California fuchsia in some sources? I’m trying to figure out if I can grow it here in the Northwest, with our wet winters. Also, any additional information about this plant (these plants?) would be appreciated.


The United States Department of Agriculture’s Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN) prefers the name Epilobium canum, though you will find this plant under Zauschneria as well. I have certainly seen this plant being grown in our area, but the wet winters could be a concern. According to the book, Plants and Landscapes for Summer-Dry Climates of the San Francisco Bay Region (2004), Zauschneria californica (synonymous with Epilobium canum)needs good drainage and occasional to no water.

Anecdotal evidence from Houzz’s online forum suggests that if you have a well-drained spot, you may be able to grow this plant there successfully. Oregon State University Extension has this to say:
“California fuchsia (Epilobium canum, also sold as Zauschneria californica) is another California native that grows well in Oregon both east and west of the Cascades.”

There are several journal articles which have information about this plant. The Oct-Dec 2007 issue of Pacific Horticulture includes Bart O’Brien’s “Getting Enough Zs in Your Garden: Enjoying Zauschnerias.” Here is an abstract:

The author discusses growing Zauschnerias in the Mediterranean climate of the Pacific Coast area. The plants are native to California and commonly known as California fuchsia. They bloom in an orange-red color during the autumn and the flowers attract hummingbirds. Varieties and cultivars vary in size to suit a variety of garden applications.

Avant Gardener, April 2007, has an article entitled “Hardy Fuchsia Bushes.” Here is the abstract:

The article discusses the varieties of California fuchsias, or Zauschneria, which has been renamed Epilobium. The shrubby 3′ perennials are cold hardy to -25 degrees F and are native from Idaho to New Mexico. They have tubular flowers that bloom in late summer and early fall. Sources for plants are presented.

Robert Nold has written about Zauschneria in American Gardener, Jul/Aug 2005:

Presents information on California fuchsia or zauschneria shrub. Temperature resistance of the plant; species of the shrub; tips on growing zauschneria.