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The Bee Tree

[The Bee Tree] cover

The Bee Tree is composed of two parts. The first part will appeal to a younger audience, and presents in words and pictures the tradition of harvesting honey in the Malaysian rainforest. Bees build the honeycombs on the tualang trees, the tallest trees reaching heights of about 250 feet. Hauling their special tools, honey hunters climb the trees with skill and courage. Gathering the honeycombs is a cooperative venture with rituals that express gratitude for the food and medicine that honey provides. The hunters share their bounty with friends and neighbors, and also sell the honey in local markets. The honey hunt is central to the culture and way of life of the indigenous people of Malaysia.

The second part of the book covers basic background information for adults on Malaysia and its peoples, the rainforest, the giant honeybee, and the tradition and future of the honey hunters. As for the future for honeybees: “As long as there is the rainforest, there will be bees, and as long as there are bees, there will be honey, and as long as there is honey, there will be honey hunters.” The giant honeybee, Apis dorsata, is crucial as a pollinator. It is a keystone species, important in the preservation of the entire ecosystem in the rainforest. It is another beautiful example of the interaction of plants and pollinators and their importance to a culture that preserves natural systems.

Published in the August 2018 Leaflet, Volume 5, Issue 8.