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City Goats

City Goats book jacketJennie P. Grant brings a full measure of enthusiasm to “City Goats,” a combination how-to manual, goat keeping manifesto, and love story, made all the better by its Seattle setting. While much of the care-giving information would apply to goats anywhere, the author’s campaign to legalize her herd is especially compelling because of its local connections.

I’m not likely to start my own herd, but I couldn’t help getting hooked by the exploits and personalities of Brownie, Snowflake, Maple, and Eloise. Is this a gardening book? Perhaps not, as the author makes it very clear that your goats and your roses are not good companions. However as the model of the urban farm continues to flourish, you may embrace having your own source of milk and veggies, from securely separated sites, of course.

Excerpted from the Spring 2013 Arboretum Bulletin.