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Fill of Joy: More Tales from Montlake Fill

Fill of Joy book jacket
Constance Sidles has written her third book of essays and observations on the Union Bay Natural Area titled “Fill of Joy: More Tales from Montlake Fill”. Like her previous books, this includes many excellent photographs and other artistic interpretations of the site (in paintings, poetry, and even dance) and an updated bird list, now counting 255 species recorded since the 1890s.

The heart of the book remains Connie’s self-deprecating humor and philosophies about life. While the bird life is her focus, she spots humans and other visitors, too. “When the joggers wheeze by they smile and say hello. I don’t know their names, but I know them. The dog walkers who keep their dogs leashed stop to chat while I ruffle their friends’ ears; the dog walkers who let their dogs run free usually head the other way “my gimlet eyes are giving them the Look.”