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Invasive Species in the Pacific Northwest

Invasive species of the Pacific Northwest cover This collaboration of over 80 authors, most of them students at the University of Washington, is a field guide to the region’s invasive species that includes not only the noxious weeds gardeners fear, but aquatic plants, animals, invertebrates and even diseases. Sarah Reichard, head of conservation for UWBG, is one of the three editors that managed the project. The inclusion of the domestic cat is sure to get your attention, but a thorough reading describes a complex ecological web that will influence the way we look at the world around, especially in our gardens. The whole discussion of what constitutes an invasive species is fascinating in itself. A special section on these issues as they pertain to the Haida Gwaii is nice companion reading to the previous book.

Excerpted from the Fall 2007 Arboretum Bulletin.