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The science of gardening

The science of gardening dvd cover Linda Chalker-Scott has written several books found in the Miller Library – all intended to help the home gardener make more savvy choices and dispel many gardening myths that do not stand up to the rigor of scientific review. Now she brings the same messages to a new format. “The Science of Gardening” is a set of four DVDs that contains 24 lessons, each 30 minutes in length.

These cover the whole range of gardening culture and techniques – almost everything except an A-Z encyclopedia of recommended plants. The emphasis is on woody plants and includes considerable detail on growth processes and the ecology of your garden.

A book accompanies the set. It follows the same lessons plans and even includes some questions or projects for you as the student. I didn’t watch all of the lessons on the DVD, but in comparing a few to the book, they are similar. However, I think the visual presentation is richer as Chalker-Scott is a skilled teacher and presenter, and she capably incorporates graphics and video examples to augment her well-researched viewpoints.

Excerpted from the Fall 2018 Arboretum Bulletin.