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Victory Gardens for Bees

Victory gardens for bees cover Anyone who regularly dresses up as a queen bee to educate children has to be passionate about her topic. Lori Weidenhammer, a performance artist based in Vancouver, British Columbia, is certainly that. That same energy is now available in her book, “Victory Gardens for Bees.” The sub-title well describes the book’s style: “A DIY Guide to Saving the Bees.” Weidenhammer wants you to be engaged!

All this energy at first may distract you from the rich content. This is an excellent introduction and field guide to the many types of bees. Planting charts recommend plants for your gardens – starting with weeds! Each entry tells you which bees are attracted to the plant, and what it provides for them. Planting plans will suggest garden layouts. The photos, mostly by the author, are excellent at showing their small subjects in tremendous detail.

Sometimes, you may feel like a child at one of Queen Bee’s performances. Suppose you are accidently stung by a bee. “It hurts a lot and you will feel like unfriending bees. Don’t take it personally. Bad stings happen to good people. Once the pain goes away, you’ll be ready to forgive and refriend the bees.”

Excerpted from the Summer 2017 Arboretum Bulletin.