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planting bamboo near a property line

Are there any restrictions to planting bamboo near a property
line? We are planting it at least 1 1/2 feet from the property line and
will be using the appropriate barrier (if planting the runner variety) or
clumping bamboo. Basically we want to regain some privacy for our yard
and house but not encroach upon the neighboring property.


Although I cannot speak to whether there are legal restrictions about
planting bamboo (this would be a question for King County Law Library), my hunch is
that as long as you take the necessary precautions to control the spread
of the plant by installing a root or rhizome barrier, it should not pose
a problem. If you intentionally planted an uncontrolled invasive plant at
the property line, it might be possible for someone to contend that it
was malicious, as mentioned below (Revised Code of Washington):


RCW 7.40.030

Malicious erection of structure may be enjoined.

An injunction may be granted to restrain the malicious erection, by any
owner or lessee of land, of any structure intended to spite, injure or
annoy an adjoining proprietor. And where any owner or lessee of land has
maliciously erected such a structure with such intent, a mandatory
injunction will lie to compel its abatement and removal.

The American Bamboo Society has helpful information (now archive) on how to control
bamboo. Here is an excerpt describing barriers:


To prevent a running bamboo from spreading, a rhizome barrier is
essential. A barrier two or three feet deep is effective. It should be
slanted outward at the top so that when the rhizomes hit the barrier they
will bend upwards. A barrier does not stop a running rhizome; it only
deflects it. The barrier should project an inch or two above ground
level. Check the barrier once a year, and cut off rhizomes that arch over
the top.

Barriers can be concrete, or metal, or plastic. The usual recommendation
is high-density polypropylene, 40 mil or heavier, glued or taped at
junctions, or clamped with stainless-steel clamps. This material comes in
rolls, or as hinged sections, and is available from some landscape
suppliers and bamboo nurseries, frequently termed root barrier. More
elaborate barriers with corner posts that hold the material at the proper
angle are also available.


One other option is to plant your bamboo in pots. Even then, you would
need to check the bottoms of the pots periodically for escaping roots.
You can also purchase lengths of bamboo fencing or willow fencing, if you
do not wish to install a heavier fence. Here is an example of willow fencing, and here is a local company, Bamboo Builders Northwest, which has examples of bamboo fencing.

Bamboo for Gardens

Bamboo for gardens cover Bamboo for Gardens is written by Washington State resident, Ted Meredith. While most of the photos are close-ups of their subject, it’s fun to see rhododendrons or a Douglas fir lurking in the background of wider shots.

Wherever you live, this would be an important and useful book. While there is the expected A-Z encyclopedia of species, it is unusual that the introductory material–such as culture, propagation, uses in the landscape–fills more than half the book. Some unexpected treasures can be found here, including the use of bamboo in both traditional and modern economies, and tips on eating bamboo.

You will learn, for example, that the shoots of Qiongzhuea tumidissinoda “are considered exceptional.” The fun continues in the encyclopedia section as we learn that this same, nearly unpronounceable species, which hails from central China, is harvested for walking sticks, and “…is the subject of history, myth, and fable in Chinese culture, dating back to at least the Han Dynasty in the first or second century B.C.”

While the author keeps the writing interesting, the more mundane information is very solid, including his discussions of how to deal with “…an attack from the demonic plant that invaded unexpectedly and ceaselessly, and could not be stopped or killed.” With the voice of experience and fondness that one might expect to be used on an errant puppy, Meredith carefully explains the different methods of containment for running bamboo.

Excerpted from the Summer 2012 Arboretum Bulletin.