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Growing garbanzo beans in Seattle

I’m interested in growing garbanzo beans. Do they work in the Seattle climate?

The following information from University of Wisconsin’s Alternative Field Crops Manual indicates that garbanzo beans are grown as a crop in Eastern Washington.

According to Steve Solomon’s Growing Vegetables West of the Cascades (Sasquatch Books, 2000), Cicer arietinum should be sown here in early March to early April, the earlier the better, because the crop needs soil moisture. However, you should sow when the soil is warm enough for the seed to sprout. Plant an inch deep, 3 to 4 seeds per foot, in rows 3 feet apart. You can mix compost into the rows before planting, which should be sufficient nutrition for the plants. If you need to amend the soil further, you may add bone meal with the compost (5-10 lbs./per 100 row feet). Thin the seedlings once established to 8 inches apart. Keep the planting well weeded. Harvest in midsummer.
