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Gardener and Nurserywoman, Elaine Sawyer, blogs about gardening and her favorite plants for the Pacific Northwest.

Choosing the Right Plants

This Seattle Public Utilities site includes links to pdf files for choosing the right plant for the right place and a plant list for the Pacific Northwest.

Pacific Northwest Nursery IPM

“This website has been established to provide educational materials and links for the identification and management of pests in commercial nursery production in the Pacific Northwest.”

Great Plant Picks for the Northwest

The Great Plant Picks program is a new plant awards program designed to help the home gardener identify foolproof plants for their Pacific Northwest garden.The program is targeted at gardeners in the maritime Pacific Northwest. This includes gardens north of Eugene, Oregon; southern British Columbia; and west of the Cascade Mountains.

Gardening with Ciscoe

The gregarious radio personality and former longtime Manager for Grounds and Landscaping at Seattle University developed a fun web page that highlights gardening in Seattle. Ciscoe’s sense of humor is evident in the page of recipes devoted to the maligned brussel sprout. Serious topics are also included such as lawn care information for the Northwest and features on interesting plants and destructive bugs.

Daniel J. Hinkley, Plantsman

Internationally renowned plant explorer and writer, Dan Hinkley’s speaking calendar is available as well as a growing collection of essays.

E-Flora BC

An “electronic atlas of the plants of British Columbia” that provides detailed biogeographical, ecological and taxonomic information on vascular and non-vascular plants of the province. Includes a photo gallery and distribution maps.