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common ailments affecting rhododendrons

My rhodies have black spot, rust. Is there a plant medicine I can put in the soil so it will get absorbed by the entire plant rather than spraying every other leaf.


I am sorry to hear about your sick Rhododendrons. You should take a take a leaf sample into a Master Gardener clinic for (free) diagnosis. I have linked a list of clinics in Snohomish County below. Their volunteers are trained in identifying plant diseases and suggesting solutions.

If you cannot get into a clinic try the HortSense webpage from Washington State University Cooperative Extension, and search the common ailments affecting rhododendrons (in the Ornamental Shrubs section).

The reason why it is vital to get an accurate diagnosis is because some fungal diseases do not have treatments that really work, such as rust, while other “leaf spot problems” are not caused by fungus at all, therefore spraying with fungicides or applying a systemic to the soil would only be a waste of time and money!

Try contacting the Snohomish County Master Gardener Clinics to see if you can bring in samples.

WSU King County Extension Gardening

Master Gardeners are volunteers, trained by WSU, to provide research-based information on home gardening and pest control. This page links to the clinic schedule and locations to all 35 clinics in King County. The clinics are free for non-professional gardeners.