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Native Seed Network

For serious eco-restorationists, the origin of the native plant seed is critical. The Native Seed Network is a service offered by the non-profit Institute for Applied Ecology and the Bureau of Land Management to help people find sources for plant material from specific eco-regions.

Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center

“The mission of the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center is to increase the sustainable use and conservation of native wildflowers, plants and landscapes.”

Center for Plant Conservation

“The mission of the Center for Plant Conservation is to conserve and restore the rare native plants of the United States.”

“Dedicated to moving native plants and naturescaping into mainstream landscaping practices.” Includes a how-to for creating a native plant landscape and directories by state for native plant nurseries, regional plants and community service organizations.

Plant Conservation Alliance’s Alien Plant Working Group

“Weeds Gone Wild: Alien Plant Invaders of Natural Areas is a web-based project of the Plant Conservation Alliance’s Alien Plant Working Group, that provides information for the general public, land managers, researchers, and others on the serious threat and impacts of invasive alien (exotic, non-native) plants to the native flora, fauna, and natural ecosystems of the United States.”

Plant Conservation Alliance

PCA Members and Cooperators work collectively to solve the problems of native plant extinction and native habitat restoration, ensuring the preservation of our ecosystem.

Propagation Protocol Database

This database is maintained by the Native Plant Network; an organization devoted to the sharing of information on how to propagate native plants of North America (Canada, Mexico, and US).