I want to find an Acer palmatum cultivar
that can manage full sun and high winds. Is this asking too much of the
dainty thing? Can you suggest a type, or a source that lists palmatums
and their various needs and attributes?
The main issue with Japanese maples and wind would be hot, drying winds. According to this information from University of California Master Gardeners, sunburn can be a problem, and hot wind exacerbates it: “Leaf scorch can appear on any type of deciduous tree, shrub or plant. During prolonged periods of drought, windy weather or bright sunshine, Japanese Maples are particularly susceptible, especially young trees.”
I would be concerned about scorching from exposure to hot wind, and
damage from winter wind even if the tree is not likely to lose limbs.
Here is what J. D. Vertrees’s book, Japanese Maples (Timber Press, 2001,
3rd ed.) has to say: “A spot with a constant strong wind will misshape the plant and may burn the leaves. In winter, the wind-chill factor may cause bark and cambium
damage (…) In areas of strong marine breezes, leaf damage from salt
deposits may occasionally occur. Anyone growing plants under such
conditions should be familiar with the necessary protection and the need
for periodic washing of the foliage with fresh water.”(p. 63)
A commercial nursery, Maple Ridge groups Acer palmatum cultivars by type. University of British Columbia Botanical Gardens offers additional information.