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Berberis species and their blooming time

A couple of questions: first, what’s the correct name these days, Mahonia or Berberis? Secondly, I’m trying to plant a succession of flowering Mahonia (or Berberis?) to attract hummingbirds to my Seattle garden. I have Mahonia X media ‘Charity.’ In what order do various species bloom?


The current accepted name for Mahonia is Berberis. I checked several local sources to compare flowering times for different species:

In approximate blooming order, here are several Berberis species:

  • Berberis x media ‘Charity’ and other cultivars (December-January)
  • Berberis repens (February-March)
  • Berberis aquifolium (as early as January but peaks March/April, into May)
  • Berberis bealei (“early spring,” according to Gossler)
  • Berberis nervosa (May)