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common maple problems

I have an uncommon maple (Acer ukuruduense) that I planted two years ago, and which one year ago started sending out long stems from the base, so that now it has a vase shape. One month ago the main (original) stem turned black almost to the ground (the bottom two feet or so are still green), and all its leaves turned brown and fell off. Some of the buds still seem viable, but it seems to be dying at the tips. The rest of the plant is so far showing no signs of trouble. I have not been able to figure out what is going on.


1. What is causing this?

2. What, if anything, did I do wrong, and what can I do differently?

3. Might this problem spread to other trees: I have several other small maples in the vicinity.

Other information: The tree is so far just surrounded by bare dirt. This year I watered it frequently with a soaker hose throughout the summer, but last year I was not watering it regularly. It is in full sun, which it is supposed to like.