How can I get my Stella d’Oro daylily to rebloom? It had a huge show the first 2 weeks of July, now it has stopped.
It has become a large plant. I probably should divide it. When should that be done?
Does it like or need fertilizer? I think it got run-off fertilizer from the roses, and that may be why it is such a large plant.
According to Stefan Buczacki’s The Plant Care Manual (Crown, 1993), you should remove individual flowers as they fade, and cut down flower stems with nothing but fading flowers left. This plant should be divided after three years (do this in fall or spring). This may help with flowering, as overcrowded clumps flower less profusely. Hemerocallis should be mulched in spring and early fall, and you can feed with bulb fertilizer or bone meal in early spring.
Here is a useful link to a factsheet on care for daylilies, from Clemson University.