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evergreen daylilies for the PNW

Can you recommend an evergreen daylily for this area? There are none listed with, but surely there must be some that thrive in this area. I’m trying to purchase bare root to save on costs, and haven’t had much luck.


There are several evergreen daylilies which should do just fine in our area. Here is some information (now archived)  from University of Vermont Extension (where winter is more of an issue):

“Catalogs list daylilies as D (dormant), SE (semi-evergreen), or E (evergreen). Dormant daylilies stop growing and drop their leaves when the days are short, much like deciduous trees. Evergreen daylilies are not affected by short days and hold their foliage until it is literally frozen off during the winter. Semi-evergreens are somewhere between dormants and evergreens. Many evergreen daylilies are perfectly hardy in the North, but the foliage may be somewhat unattractive in early spring.”

You might get some ideas from this archived article published in the Seattle Times by Valerie Easton. B & D Lilies, a Port Townsend area nursery lists several evergreen cultivars, and some are available as bare root plants.