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grape vine producing uneven fruit sets

What causes some grapes to get to normal size and others to stay small? This is on a Concord vine about 7-8 years old.


Some varieties of grape produce naturally straggly clusters of fruit. According to The Grape Grower: A Guide to Organic Viticulture by Lon Rombough (Chelsea Green, 2002), Concord has a tendency to ripen unevenly in hot climates (such as the mid-South), but he doesn’t note straggly clusters as a characteristic of this variety. That makes me think the uneven size of your fruit is more to do with pollination. See the following, from Oregon State University Extension, which suggests that a cool, wet spell around the time of bloom can interfere with pollination and result in large numbers of unset berries. Rain, which also inhibits pollination, can also be a factor in poor fruit set.

There are other possible reasons for the uneven fruit set. If you are growing a variety of grape which is not ideally suited to your climate, or if the soil is overly rich or overly fertilized, you may not get abundant fruit.