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Growing culture for cardboard palms

I am interested in finding out if someone there can tell me the
proper culture for Zamia furfuracea. I just acquired one that had
been potted up as a bonsai and put on sale at a local grocery store. I think
they may not have known or cared what it was. This is a plant I
grew outdoors when I lived in California. I’m wondering what to do
with it in Vancouver, WA. The options are greenhouse, patio pot,
indoors, outdoors.

I found general cultural information from Florida State University
Cooperative Extension.
This is a zone 9b-11 plant, and your area is probably about zone 8, so I think you would want to grow this with some protection.

University of British Columbia Botanical Garden’s discussion forum describes this as an indoor plant. This article in the journal of University of Arizona Cooperative Extension is about a similar plant, Zamioculcas zamiifolia, often confused with Zamia

Richard Langer’s book, Grow It Indoors (Stackpole Books, 1995) says to
grow this “handy table-sized cycad” in temperate partial sun with humusy
soil that is kept constantly moist.

Another thing to keep in mind if you are growing this plant around pets
or small children is its toxicity. The ASPCA lists Zamia species (cardboard palm) as toxic. Colorado State University Veterinary Teaching Hospital lists Zamia as toxic to dogs and people.