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lack of flowers in star jasmine vines

I bought an established, white star jasmine perennial vine one year ago. I was told I could plant it in an extremely large pot and expect to enjoy blooms for about 3 years, but it has not bloomed, nor does it have any buds. It has no pests or blight of any kind. It gets full sun in the morning and partial during the day, and full again in late afternoon. It has always had sufficient water. What’s wrong? When do they normally bloom? Was I given inaccurate information?


I am assuming the star jasmine is Trachelospermum jasminoides, as shown in this image from Missouri Botanical Garden.

Failure to flower can be due to a number of causes, as described in this link from University of Vermont Extension.

My top guesses for what may be causing the lack of flowers would be exposure to
severe cold in the winter, or over-fertilizing with a nitrogen-heavy fertilizer.
The light exposure you describe sounds fine for this plant. In the Pacific
Northwest, it flowers mainly from spring to early summer. This link to
a Seattle garden writer’s site has cultural information appropriate for this
region (I don’t know where you are writing from).