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more about Lysimachia punctata ‘Alexander’

I bought a Lysimachia punctata ‘Alexander’ (variegated) at a plant sale last weekend. I can’t find anything about it in my books. Can you tell me more about it? How tall, invasive or not, best place to plant, anything else you think I should know.


I found information on the website of a local gardener, Paghat, with a detailed description of this form of loosestrife. Although it is not supposed to be as aggressive as the species (L. punctata) or as invasive as L. vulgaris (a noxious weed in King County), I recommend keeping an eye on it. Paghat says:
“‘Alexander’ has variegated leaves, sage-green with cream borders, and sunny yellow flowers. It purports to be a more restrained version of a flower that in the species form is notoriously invasive and often too aggressive for neighboring perennials. Even ‘Alexander,’ though comparatively slow growing, eventually becomes a large two-foot by two-foot clump with a big root system that can threaten nearby delicate flowers, so take care what you plant around it.”