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more about Persicaria

I have a something called Chevron Plant in my yard. There is a distinct v-shape pattern on the upper side of the leaf, and it gets red tiny flowers in the spring/summer time. It grew about 1.2 in height. Can you tell more about this plant?


Chevron Plant is not a known common name, but the perennial Persicaria virginiana (and its cultivars) is notable for the chevron-shaped markings on its leaves. A more familiar common name is Knotweed (and it is in the same family as the invasive Japanese knotweed, sharing some of that plant’s tendency to spread). The genus includes 50-80 species of annuals and perennials, often rhizomatous (spreading by roots) or stonoliferous (spreading by runners). They may be evergreen, semi-evergreen, or deciduous. There are several varieties with interesting v-shaped leaf patterns, and some have red flowers. To verify whether this is what you have, try searching the plant’s botanical name on Google or another search engine and then click on Images and search for Persicaria.

If that is correct, they are best grown in any moist soil in full sun to part shade. If they get out of control they can be cut to the ground in late fall or winter. Some species can be aggressive and even officially invasive and need to be controlled.

If that is NOT your plant, the Hyde Herbarium at the Center for Urban Horticulture can provide a positive identification.

There may be people at your local nursery who can help you as well.