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Northwest native indoor plants

I’ve taken up planning plants for our office, and wondered if
you could give advice. I’m looking for Northwest native plants that would be
happy indoors, in an office environment. Available sunlight will vary by
spot but is generally low (but I can probably swing some plant lights); air
is standard low-humidity commercial-building air.


Most Northwest native plants I can think of are not ideal for growing
indoors. However, I asked my colleague who used to garden for the Seattle
Public Library, and she says that the library is growing native species
of ferns indoors. She notes that they are especially prone to pests
(whitefly) and diseases (scale), and must be watered every day.

Below is the list of plants being grown in the main (Central) library

  • Acorus
  • Blechnum spicant
  • Adiantum pedatum
  • Carex elata ‘Bowles Golden'(tall)
  • other fern (Rumohra adiantiformis?)

I hope this helps. If you wish to reconsider using natives in favor of
more traditional choices for indoor plants, there are many more choices
available. Below are a few links that may be use to you:

Low Light Houseplants from University of Vermont Extension

Growing Indoor Plants with Success from University of Georgia Cooperative Extension

Interior Plants: Selection and Care from University of Arizona Cooperative Extension

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