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on propagating Abelia

How would you propagate Abelia x grandiflora?


According to the American Horticultural Society’s Plant Propagation
edited by Alan Toogood (DK Publishing, 1999), Abelia may be propagated
from softwood cuttings in spring, from greenwood cuttings in late spring,
and from semi-ripe cuttings in early to late summer. “Cuttings… root very readily in a closed case or mist bench. Softwood cuttings from the first flush of root growth in 2-4 weeks. In colder regions, do not pot greenwood cuttings taken after midsummer; prune cuttings into a bushy habit, but allow new growth time to ripen–if not well established, they overwinter badly. Keep semi-ripe cuttings taken in late summer
frost-free. Plants flower in 1-2 years.”

Here are links to general information on propagation from cuttings:

Plant Propagation by Stem Cuttings: Instructions for the Home Gardener, from NC State University

Propagating Plants from Stem Cuttings, from Rainyside Gardeners