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growing conditions for Avocados

We know avocados like dry soil, but are there specific guidelines to follow?


“Growing conditions: Give avocado direct light; insufficient light will cause spindly growth. Provide a warm temperature and medium humidity. Keep the soil evenly moist but not wet and soggy. Fertilize once a month throughout the year… Use an all-purpose soil mix for repotting… Avocado is vulnerable to aphids, mealybugs, scale insects and thrips.”

Source: The Time-Life Gardener’s Guide; Foliage Houseplants, 1988, p. 125

“Growth habit: The avocado is a dense, evergreen tree, shedding many leaves in early spring. Growth is in frequent flushes during warm weather in southern regions with only one long flush per year in cooler areas.”

“Foliage: Avocado leaves normally remain on the tree for 2 to 3 years.”

Source: California Rare Fruit Growers Association website