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pear trees with bright autumn foliage

Which semi-dwarf pear tree should I plant to get good fall color? I want to eat the fruit and have beautiful yellow to red fall leaves in my landscape.


Not many of our resources on pears describe the color of the fall foliage, as they tend to focus on the taste and appearance of the fruit. However, I did consult Lee Reich’s Landscaping with Fruit (Storey Publishing, 2009), and on page 146 he features “seasons of visual interest.” Here is what the author has to say:
“Come autumn, leaves of many pear varieties, including many Asian varieties and such Europeans as ‘Colmar d’Ete,’ ‘Durandeau,’ and ‘Triomphe de Vienne,’ take on very attractive coloration. Ripening pears among the leaves, especially yellow varieties, also contribute to the show.”

I suspect that the varieties mentioned above are heritage varieties that may be challenging to find. You might find these links of interest:

By doing an internet search, I came across a reference in a book entitled Growing Shrubs and Small Trees in Cold Climates by Debbie Lonnee et al. On page 233, the authors mention that the variety ‘Golden Spice’ has “nice fall color.” The ‘Luscious’ variety is said to “turn a nice red in fall.” This book confirms what I have read elsewhere, which is that ornamental pear trees are better known for their fall color.

Another approach would be to talk to pear vendors at farmers markets or talk directly to fruit farmers in your area, and ask if there are particular varieties which are notable for their autumn foliage.

An additional consideration is choosing pears which are late-ripening. If you want the fall color to coincide with the pears, you should probably choose a late-ripening variety. Pears are harvested before they are fully ripe, so later varieties will give you a better chance of night temperatures being sufficiently cool for leaves to begin changing color. Oregon State University’s publication, “Picking and Storing Apples and Pears,” by R. L. Stebbins et al., has additional details on different pear varieties.