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Planting daylilies in containers

We have the ‘Stella d’Oro’ daylilies, the Hyper Yellow variety. They are 9 years old now, going on 10. We divided them last year, and only had a couple of lilies. Where they are planted I don’t believe they have enough sun. When we divided them, instead of 2 plants, we now have 7. I have a huge planter, on a wheelbase, and was thinking of putting 3 of them in it, perhaps 4. They would be located on the sunny part of our deck, which I know would be much better for them. What can you tell me about daylilies planted in containers? The pot is so big, you could grow a tree in it!

Planting your daylilies in a large container should be fine. Here is some general information from University of Minnesota Extension on growing daylilies, in which they suggest growing repeat-blooming daylilies in your containers. In general, smaller cultivars would be good choices for containers.

If you keep them in the pot over the winter, you may want to protect them by covering with a thick mulch.

You may wish to consult the frequently asked questions page on the American Hemerocallis Society website, which includes cultural information, such as the best place to plant daylilies, excerpted here:

“You need to consider four things in determining where to plant your daylilies:

Sun or Shade

  • Most daylilies do best in full sun. They will tolerate part-shade conditions, but require a minimum of six hours of direct sun per day.
  • Light yellow cultivars, many shades of pink, and delicate pastels need full sun to bring out their lovely colorings.
  • Many red and purple cultivars benefit from partial shade in the hottest part of the day because dark colors absorb heat and do not withstand the sun as well as lighter colors.

Type of Soil

  • Any good garden soil is appropriate for growing daylilies. Daylilies will grow, however, in sandy soil or in heavy clay.
  • If you have heavy clay soil, add compost, humus, peat moss, and sand to make it more friable.
  • If you have sandy soil, add compost, humus, and peat moss to lesson its porosity and to increase water retention.


  • For maximum performance, daylilies should be planted in well-drained soil. One method of achieving adequate drainage in problem areas is to prepare raised beds, 3 to 6 inches above ground level.”