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propagating Hoya bella

Do you have any information on how to propagate Hoya bella?


I consulted The American Horticultural Society’s Plant Propagation (ed. Alan Toogood, DK Publishing, 1999) for information on propagating Hoya. This plant can be propagated by seed in spring or summer, and by cuttings, from spring to summer.

If the seeds are sown fresh and kept moist at 70-81 degrees, they should germinate in a few days. It is more common to increase this plant by cuttings. Cut a length of stem just below a leaf node. The cutting should be 3 to 4 nodes long. Dip its base in rooting hormone (which will also help stop the ooze of sap). Root as you would a stem cutting–fill a pot with a medium of fine grit (top 1/4 of pot) layered on top of gritty cactus soil mix (bottom 3/4 of pot). Gently push the cuttings through the fine grit into the soil mix. Keep slightly damp, but not too humid. If it is not warm enough in your home, provide gentle bottom heat to 70 degrees. They should root in 2 to 6 weeks. New plants will take a year or two to flower.