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propagating Lardizabala ternata from seed

I am looking for information about seed germination of Lardizabala biternata. I am wondering what temperature is best for its germination, if it requires light or darkness to germinate, if it needs to be stratified before germination, and the number of days it takes to germinate. I have the seeds started in my greenhouse at 70 degrees under lights and nothing seems to be happening! I have searched the web and looked at all of my reference books, but do not seem to be able to find this information. The seeds came from Sheffield’s Seed Co., Inc. ( They do not have any information on their website, although on the seed packet it states that more research is needed!


Below is information on propagating Lardizabala ternata from Plants for a Future.


Seed – sow spring in a greenhouse. Prick out the seedlings into individual pots when they are large enough to handle and grow them on in the greenhouse for at least their first winter. Plant out in early summer and, if possible, give the plants some protection for their first winter outdoors. Cuttings of half-ripe wood, 5-10cm long with a heel, June/July in a frame. The cuttings should be put in individual pots. A good percentage. Stem cuttings in spring and autumn.

After locating an article by Dan Hinkley (Washington Park Arboretum Bulletin, Winter 2004), I decided to widen the search to include information on germinating Akebia as well, since they are related.

The California Rare Fruit Growers site has Akebia germination information that might be useful.

The Royal Horticultural Society A-Z Encyclopedia of Garden Plants only says that Lardizabala seed should be sown in containers in a cold frame in spring.