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pruning hardy fuchsias

I have several hardy Fuchsias that are quite large, about 4 – 5 feet tall, that bloomed profusely this year. The leaves are gone now, but when should I prune them? How far back should I prune? Is there anything special I need to know about pruning Fuchsias?


Fuchsias are pretty tough shrubs, especially once established. You can prune just to tidy them up, but it is best to wait until the leaves begin to grow (between March and June).

Here are two links to more detailed information:

From Rainy Side Gardeners,
“Some years when we have an exceptionally cold winter, Fuchsias will die down to the ground. Before pruning in spring, wait until leaf buds swell, then prune out dead twigs, or prune down to the ground if winter knocked it completely back.”

Another site is the Hardy Fuchsia List from the Northwest Fuchsia Society.