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sourcing non-GMO seeds

I read an article recently that said some of my favorite seed companies are now owned by Monsanto. I don’t want to use genetically modified seeds in my home garden, so I’d like to know where I can find more information on the sources seed companies use for the seed I am buying.


You may be referring to the January 2009 issue of the PCC Newsletter regarding Monsanto purchasing many of your favorite garden and farm seed catalogs. Territorial Seeds, Johnny’s Seeds, Park Seed, Burpee, Cook’s Garden, Spring Hill Nurseries, Flower of the Month Club, and Audubon Workshop are not owned by Monsanto or Seminis. PCC subsequently posted a retraction.

The folks at Organic Seed Alliance are a great resource on this issue. Here is what they suggest:
“For gardeners interested in buying non-GMO seeds, the best bet is to purchase seeds from seed companies who sell only organic seeds and who have signed the Safe Seed Pledge.”

For further reading on the subject, see this February 2005 article (now archived) by Matthew Dillon from the Rodale Institute on Monsanto’s purchase of Seminis. Environmental News Network also has information about a September 2008 discussion forum with writer Michael Pollan and Monsanto CEO Hugh Grant.