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Transplanting snowberry shrubs

I need to move some established snowberry shrubs forward about 8 feet to make room for a large 7′ propane tank. I’m hoping to salvage the snowberry shrubs which are currently in a mostly shady location and would continue to be in shade after I move them. (I’m hoping they will block the view of the propane tank. Do you have any tips on transplanting this type of shrub? Or is it too difficult to do once they have reached 5+’ tall? Am I better off starting with smaller snowberry that are only 3′ in height?

According to the following information from University of Connecticut’s Plant
snowberry or Symphoricarpos albus, is easily transplanted.

From an Olympia nursery catalog, Sound Native Plants:

Symphoricarpos albus – Snowberry
Exposure: full sun to shade
Soil moisture: very moist to dry
Transplanting success: high
Growth rate: rapid
Form: deciduous shrub to 2-6 feet; fibrous, shallow root system, spreads
vigorously by suckers

Snowberry is an incredible survivor, flourishing in situations that would slay a
lesser plant. It transplants well, tolerates sun or shade, withstands drought
and/or occasional flooding, and spreads quickly even in poor soil or on steep
hillsides. Another plus for snowberry is that it is one of the few native shrubs
that stays small–it averages three or four feet tall–and thus is a good choice
for areas where view corridors are important. Hooray snowberry!

If it makes it easier for you to move the plants, you can prune them back (this
is usually done in spring). If individual plants have grown into a dense mass of
stems, you can also dig up each whole plant and only replant smaller pieces of
