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transportation of plants across state lines

I will be transporting plants from Oregon to Washington to sell to the public. Are there any restrictions, such as quarantines, that are important to know about?


You should contact the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS).

The Oregon Department of Agriculture has information on plant exports, quarantines, and permits. There are also Washington State codes about the transportation of plants that can be found in Chapter 17.24 RCW, Insect Pests and Plant Diseases. You can then click on specific sections, such as 17.24.081, Prohibited acts.

Additionally, this site makes reference to the Washington Administrative Code and includes information about standards that apply to plants and pests. See Chapter 16-402 WAC, Plant Pest Infestations and Plant Labeling standards.

You can also click on the embedded links to look at the specific standards.