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tree roots and sewer lines

I have several sewer pipes that are getting plugged by tree
roots on my grounds. I have used a rooter to remove the majority of the
roots and know would like to detour their return by using a chemical
called Root Free. It is a Copper Sulfate Pentahydrate. Is this product safe for my trees if used according to label?


Here is a link to
information on this chemical from the Pesticide Action Network’s
database. This link leads to the Material Safety Data Sheet for Copper sulfate

This product is highly toxic to humans and aquatic life, but should not
harm the trees. My question would be whether it makes more sense to
remove entirely any trees with invasive roots, and replant with other
plants whose roots will not cause trouble with the sewer pipes, rather
than use copper sulfate. See information below from UGA College of Family
and Consumer Sciences Cooperative Extension Service:

Tree roots can enter sewage and drainfield lines and cause plugging of
the lines. Lines should not be placed near trees, and trees should not be
planted near lines. Remove tree roots mechanically or flush copper
sulfate crystals down the toilet to help discourage or destroy the roots
where the solution comes in contact with them. Some time must elapse
before the roots are killed and broken off. Recommended dosage rates are
two pounds per 300 gallons of tank capacity. No more than two
applications per year are recommended. Time the application of copper
sulfate to allow minimum dilution and maximum contact time. Copper
sulfate will corrode chrome, iron and brass, so avoid contact with these
materials. Used in recommended dosage, copper sulfate will not interfere
with septic tank operation. Neither mechanical removal nor copper sulfate
contact is a permanent solution for tree roots. Remove the trees for a
permanent solution to the problem.

Here are some links to more information tree roots and sewer lines and about planting on drain fields:

Tree Roots vs. Sewer Lines from the city of Paso Robles, CA.

Choosing Sewer Safer Trees

Planting on Your Septic Drain Field

And here are some suggestions for alternative plantings:

Landscaping Your Drainfield

If you do decide to go ahead and use the Root Free, by all means follow
the directions to the letter, as it is required by law. You may want to
check with Seattle Public Utilities Drainage and Sewer Maintenance to
make sure that use of this chemical in the sewer system is permitted: