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Garden Tip #53

If you’re only familiar with the common primrose sold at grocery stores in January, take another look at these charming little perennials. With over 400 species found throughout the Northern Hemisphere, there are many worthwhile choices for the Pacific Northwest garden. Try nutmeg-scented Primula florindae (Himalayan cowslip) in a wet spot or late summer flowering Primula capitata in a shaded pocket in a rockery (add compost to the planting hole). To find the one best suited for your garden conditions check out the exhaustive reference book called Primula by John Richards (Timber Press, $39.95).

The American Primrose Society website has photos of some of the less common primroses, as well as articles on growing and propagating Primulas and other Primrose family members. Members receive a quarterly journal with color photos, participate in seed exchanges and show off their prize plants at the annual meeting. To join send $25.00 to Julia Haldorson, Treasurer, P.O. Box 210913, Auke Bay, Alaska 99821.