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Garden Tip #89

Take root cuttings in autumn, once rain has arrived, to make new plants of many popular perennials like oriental poppies, verbascum, garden phlox and black-eyed susans. The September/October 2004 issue of Horticulture Magazine gives clear instruction on this easy propagation technique, and suggests many other suitable plants. In a nutshell:

  1. lift the plant to be propagated with a garden fork
  2. shake off soil to expose the roots
  3. cut out a few roots that are about the thickness of a pencil, noting the “top” of the root (closest to the plant)

  4. cut the root into 2 inch pieces
  5. insert the pieces into a small container of potting soil, with the top end just under the surface
  6. keep the container moist, not wet, and inside in bright light until new growth appears
  7. transplant into individual pots when growth is a couple of inches tall