Archives: Recommended Websites
Seed Money
“SeedMoney is a Maine-based 501c nonprofit helping US and global food garden projects to thrive through grants, crowdfunding assistance and free garden planning software.”
North American Rock Garden Society
Alpine Garden Society
Based in the UK, with Overseas membership available
Cactus and Succulent Society of America
National Association of Landscape Professionals
“The National Association of Landscape Professionals passionately advocates for the economic, social and environmental benefits for the landscape industry.”
National Center for Home Food Preservation
A site from the University of Georgia that gives guidance and recipes for freezing, pickling, fermenting, curing and other methods for preserving fruits, vegetables and even meat.
Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation
The Xerces Society is a science-based conservation organization and international nonprofit. The society’s work focuses on protecting pollinators, conserving endangered species, and advocacy. The website contains an extensive publications library which includes technical reports for scientists, planting guides for homeowners and the biannual journal Wings. There are also resources specially designed for teachers and students.
American Conifer Society
This site includes a conifer database with photos, events calendar and a forum for questions and discussion.