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Invasive and Exotic Species of North America – Images

A photo database of invasive plants, plant diseases and harmful insects, plus biological control agents providing “an accessible and easily used archive of high quality images…with an emphasis on educational applications.” Images are available to download for non-profit and educational purposes.


An online database of plant photos compiled by individuals and organizations. Each contributor has designated his/her own copyright restrictions for his/her photos.

Northwest Native Plant Landscape Guide

King County’s Natural Resources and Parks department has made it easy for gardeners to include native plants in their gardens. The site includes garden design plans for sun or shade, dry or wet sites; detailed plant profiles that may be searched by name or browsed by photos; and a collection of short articles on topics such as proper site preparation. The most useful feature is the ability to create customized plant lists that can be printed, emailed or even saved for a later visit.

Plants for a Future

Resource center for rare and unusual plants, particularly those with edible and medicinal uses.

California Rare Fruit Growers

This society extends beyond California’s borders to provide information on fruit culture whatever your climate zone. It also has excellent bibliographic information and links to other relevant fruit sites.