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Center for Plant Conservation

The mission of the Center for Plant Conservation is to “conserve and restore the rare native plants of the United States”. This site describes the center’s programs and publications, but the heart is the National Collection of Endangered Plants database which list descriptions, distributions, habitat and extensive bibliographies on 580 rare North American plants and the member institutions where they are grown.


A large collection of plant images, mostly woody trees and shrubs, with various browsing methods to find the images. The most useful method is a map of North America divided into bioregions. Each bioregion has an associated list of dominant plants. Created by Steve Baskauf of Vanderbilt University.

National Agriculture Library

NAL “houses one of the world’s largest and most accessible agricultural information collections and serves as the nexus for a national network of state land-grant and U.S. Department of Agriculture field libraries.”

Species 2000

“Species 2000 has the objective of enumerating all known species of organisms on Earth (animals, plants, fungi and microbes) as the baseline dataset for studies of global biodiversity.”

Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh – Multisite Search

The data available from this page are extracted from the on-line “Living Collections” and conservation databases of multiple arboreta and botanic gardens. You can simultaneously search as many of these databases as you wish, or select only the North American sites.

USDA Plants Database

This USDA sponsored site is maintained by the Natural Resources Conservation Service. Their mission is to provide: “a single source of standardized information about plants. This database focuses on vascular plants, mosses, liverworts, hornworts, and lichens of the U.S. and its territories. The PLANTS Database includes names, checklists, automated tools, identification information, species abstracts, distributional data,crop information, plant symbols, plant growth data, plant materials information, plant links,references, and other plant information.”