“The Society for Ecological Restoration – Northwest Chapter (SERNW) is a dynamic interactive professional society dedicated to the art and science of restoration. SERNW provides a unique opportunity for members to coordinate restoration efforts and gain technical skills specific to Pacific Northwest ecosystems.”
Archives: Recommended Websites
EBHL (European Botanical and Horticultural Libraries Group)
“An association to promote and facilitate co-operation and communication between those working in botanical and horticultural libraries, archives and related institutions in Europe.” This group is hosted on Facebook.
TNC Global Invasive Species Team
Archived website of The Nature Conservancy’s Global Invasive Species Team which was disbanded in March 2009. This website is an archived snapshot and is no longer being updated or maintained.
University of British Columbia Botanical Garden
Located in Vancouver, B.C., the gardens are “rich with interesting plants and informative signs.”
Integrated Pest Management Information
Integrated pest management fact sheets from WSU for the home and garden.
WSU Extension Hortsense
Answers to common gardening problems.
Garden Conservancy Northwest Network
The Garden Conservancy Northwest Network is a member supported non-profit association of Pacific Northwest gardens and horticultural organizations dedicated to preserving historic green spaces, opening exceptional gardens for public enjoyment, and educating people about horticulture.
Taxonomic Literature, 2nd edition (TL-2)
The online, fully searchable version of this important and historic work documenting plant taxonomy.