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Welcome to the Bonds Across the Water ePen-Pal discussion forum!

Our goal is to promote student understanding about and actions to address climate change and ocean acidification, and for students to share their perspectives and solutions with peers across the Pacific Northwest and around the Pacific Rim.

Participating students should post here to meet your colleagues around the Pacific and to share your thoughts and actions about watershed, ocean health and climate change!

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Recent posts:

barrettsd   2020-06-05 19:04:57 (Last post: 2020-07-08 13:31:09)

Never write in pixels kids

Michael_2023   2020-07-08 13:31:09

Um, Seth, I can't see anything...

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Anjellyna   2020-06-15 10:11:45
Garbage Patches
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Lily Condon   2020-06-10 00:41:15
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Clara Ulvenes   2020-06-09 23:57:11
Glacial Melting


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mmadison   2020-06-08 11:37:58
Puget Sound Runoff
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Rachelphung   2020-06-08 10:11:32
Toxic Chemicals in Puget Sound
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Jaden M.   2020-06-07 23:18:16
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Sophia Charette   2020-06-05 16:26:41
Polluted Stormwater Runoff in the Puget Sound
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Alex Gradev   2020-06-05 11:30:26
Puget Sound Acidification
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Amanda Moll   2020-06-05 08:44:08
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liv.walk   2020-06-04 17:13:06
Sea Turtles


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Tanner Robinson   2020-06-04 17:01:15
"Destroying the Earth" Atmospheric issues cause by humans

Slideshow about atmospheric issues, what causes them, and what is to become of them.
https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/ … slide=id.p

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Nasha   2020-06-04 12:46:36
Water Pollution

Water pollution infographic. Water is life!:)
https://infogram.com/water-pollution-ps … g0jqmy84nl

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Jazmin B.   2020-06-04 12:23:07
Save Wildlife
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Hana Moll   2020-06-03 16:39:28 (Last post: 2020-06-03 18:39:51)
Water Pollution

For biology, I created a PSA about how water quality affects all of us.

https://create.piktochart.com/infograph … /47041369#

Michael_2023   2020-06-03 18:39:51

"Visual specified cannot be found." ?????????

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Jaycie R   2020-06-03 16:48:13
Garbage and waste pollution

I made a PSA about how garbage and waste pollution affects us
https://create.piktochart.com/infograph … d/47088456

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Michael_2023   2020-06-03 14:01:43

For biology, I created a PSA about how deforestation affects all of us.

https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/ … sp=sharing

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stevensbrm   2020-06-03 13:50:22
polluted waters


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elsie.luna   2020-06-03 13:34:20
Hydroelectric Dams

I made a PSA about how dams are affecting salmon in the Pacific Northwest


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opalashenhurst   2020-06-03 12:56:57
Rising Sea Levels

I made an infographic for rising sea levels here:

https://create.piktochart.com/output/47 … sea-levels

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Ember T   2020-06-02 22:06:10
We love the Earth!

According to SAS, "Every day approximately 8 million pieces of plastic pollution find their way into our oceans. There may now be around 5.25 trillion macro and microplastic pieces floating in the open ocean. Weighing up to 269,000 tonnes. Plastics consistently make up 60 to 90% of all marine debris studied." This is a big number that need to be considered about. Plastic waste is really dangerous to the the animals that live in or nearby the ocean such as fish, turtles, seabirds, mammals, etc. Moreover, if the humans consume those animals, we will be in danger also. Therefore, we need to work together to solve this problem. But, how? Basically, we can contribute by little works such as recycling the plastic, reducing the amount of using plastic, using reusable bags, never and ever littering, etc. Personally, my family and friends usually go to the beach or the river nearby and pick up garbage when we have time. It's not only help to save the world,we also really enjoy the time together. Doing good work with people you love is great! Now, stop being quiet! We need to act. Our older generation has developed the world. It's time for us to save and protect it for the next generation. The problem seems big but together, we can overcome it.

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Martha Nguyen   2020-06-01 18:00:29
More Harmful Bacteria In the Puget Sound

This is a huge problem for marine species, marine businesses, and even YOUR health.  For marine animals, if they are living in polluted waters they ingest PCB, a chlorine compound that causes cancer for humans.  If you are swimming in water full of bacteria like Puget Sound, you are most likely to get gastroenteritis.  Gastroenteritis has a lot of symptoms that you would want to avoid.  All of these bacteria in Puget Sound is caused by human and animal waste, mostly from failed sewage systems.

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Sia   2020-04-22 20:01:17 (Last post: 2020-05-28 00:00:07)
HAPPY EARTH DAY from American Samoa


Maru   2020-04-28 09:39:27

Happy Late Earth Day to you too.

JACervant   2020-04-28 16:26:17

Happy Earth to you too!

Did you do anything special on Earth Day?
We are currently under quarantine...which is nice for the earth it seems.

Sia   2020-05-14 01:49:20

hi sorry for the really late reply but it has been very hectic for us even though we're under quarantine. Hope all is well on your side but let me give a proper introduction of myself! Talofa my name is Sia and i am currently a junior at Samoana high and i am 17 years of age smile). I did not do much on Earth day due to online classes but this quarantine really has been good for our Earth smile)!!

JACervant   2020-05-19 21:16:05

My full name is Jadyn Cervantes and I'm a Junior at Olympic High School. I recently had shoulder surgery so I'm limited in how much I can help my mom in the yard now. We are working on a pond and creating a bee and butterfly garden.

Sia   2020-05-28 00:00:07

Dang how’s your shoulder? But that’s cool ! We’re currently dealing with finals this week and creating a PSA for environmental problems  .

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Iris Penitusi   2020-04-22 23:53:51 (Last post: 2020-05-27 15:49:48)

Greetings and Talofa lava! My name is Iris Penitusi and I come from the small territory of American Samoa which is located south in the Pacific Ocean. I am currently a junior attending Samoana High School and AP Environment Science is actually the first class period I am taking.  The ambience of our territory is resilient with it’s environment that sustains our natural heritage and livelihoods in unity.  We are vulnerable to climate change as it has caused many environmental problems like the following: pollution, waste disposal (in our ocean),soil erosion, coastal and stream alterations, and a limited supply of drinking water.  One environmental act our EPA and other working departments do to both protect and clean our environment is by holding monthly trash clean-ups around the territory.  If we want a positive change in our environment, it all starts with ourselves.  I’ve been to Washington a number of times and I absolutely love it there although I’ve never really payed attention to the environmental changes at the time. I cannot wait to visit again and learn more about what your environment has to offer and the ways/ideas you’ve implemented to protect and nurture it. I also look forward to meeting new friends.
       Happy Earth Day once again!  ?

MadilynLarsen   2020-04-27 14:48:52

That's cool how you have monthly trash clean-ups, we don't do that in Washington but I wish we did.

Marli R.   2020-04-29 16:30:24

We have something similar to the trash clean-ups at our school, we have a club that gets people outside, doing hikes and we do trash clean-ups while we hike keeping our forests and beaches cleaner than when we got there.

Iris Penitusi   2020-05-05 17:16:42

That’s pretty cool. Our school also has clubs that involve cleanups and because we’re right across the beach, we sometimes hold cleanups there. You’d be surprised on how much trash we’d find there considering that our territory is known for its alluring beaches. Because the world is on total lockdown, what are your feelings towards this pandemic and how is it affecting your environment?

Marli R.   2020-05-06 15:50:31

The pandemic itself seems pretty bad because people are being harmed by it but I haven't really been hiking much since it started so I wouldn't know how the environment is being affected but I feel like it would help since less people are going out so not as much pollution is being spread because people are staying inside, but I could be wrong, its only hopes I got right now.

JACervant   2020-05-06 22:54:22

I've found that more people are aware of the environment in Washington than where I moved from, Michigan. In Michigan we didn't recycle trash, we just dumped it all together. In Washington there's 2 separate trash containers...regular trash and recyclables. Businesses are also charging for grocery bags to encourage using reusable bags.

Iris Penitusi   2020-05-13 21:11:59

@Marli At least the good news about it is that it has given more time for our Earth to heal. I feel that we should have lockdowns like this once in a while.
Hello JACervant! Maybe it’s a good idea to consider recycling as not only will it reduce the use of greenhouse gases, but it will also protect your natural resources. You’d be saving a lot of energy too. I find it commendable that you mentioned plastic bags because the businesses here in American Samoa still use them and I mean a bunch of them. Even though it was enforced to ban plastic bags a while back, it’s still being used.

JACervant   2020-05-19 21:20:32

My cousin started a business selling scarves and fun recyclable bags. I think it's the way of the future. I also think that our generation really needs to lead the change. We are good at following trends, but we should make saving the earth a major trend everyone should follow!

Iris Penitusi   2020-05-27 15:49:48

I totally agree! What kind of trends do you have in mind? Are you working on any projects that will help conserve your environment? I noticed that our younger generation have grown to be very creative when creating TikTok videos about anything. Maybe that could be a trend others would be interested in to follow. What do you think?

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Velancia   2020-05-22 18:44:33
Reserving our Environment for future Generations

Hi, I am a senior at Samoana High School in American Samoa and I just wanted to share my thoughts about the activities I have been involved in that have helped me become a member of a society that wants to keep our environment clean. As this school year is slowly coming to an end, I am now going to set off on my own and leave the school clubs that have reminded me constantly why I should keep the environment clean and healthy, but I will make sure to take everything I’ve learned with me and continue to strive for a healthier and cleaner environment. The future is in our hands, and it is up to us to conserve and restore the health of our beautiful home planet.

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Velancia   2020-05-19 17:10:17
Saving our environment

Hello, I am a student from American Samoa. For the past few weeks, I have been removing rubbish from a river right next to my house. Besides the trash, on the northern part of the river, is where feces of pigs are being released into the river. With the concern of keeping our bodies of water clean, we were able to convince the owner to relocate the animals and made sure that he was following safety regulations of how to dispose animal waste. We are saving our environment step by step.

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D0316   2020-04-23 22:58:23 (Last post: 2020-05-15 18:58:01)
Resilience and Steadfastness!

Greetings and Talofa!

My name is Donna Talaeai and I am from a small tiny island in the South Pacific; American Samoa. I attend Samoana High School as a junior and am active in an environmental group within my school called Finafinau. I am also a student in Ms. Penelope's Advanced Placement Environmental Science class. As a Finafinau member, we aim in promoting the youth of American Samoa to become Pacific ambassadors for conservation and environmental resilience. We have done monthly coastal clean-ups with the support of our local EPA and keep a green space within the school. I have participated in activities like planting trees to offset carbon emissions from the flights I took in the summer, learned the importance of mangroves for my island, and how keeping watersheds is beneficial for marine wildlife. I hope to hear from others soon about what environmental groups they're associated with or are interested in being associated with. After all, the Earth is what we have in common!


MadilynLarsen   2020-04-27 14:59:20

Hello I'm Madilyn, a senior from Washington and I am associated with a little environmental group from my school that picks up trash around it sometimes, but I would like to be associated with more. Also how long have you been doing monthly clean-ups?

Maru   2020-04-28 09:38:01

Hello there, My name is Shem, sophmore student in Washington, and I'd like to know how many trees have you planted?

D0316   2020-05-15 18:54:05

Hi Madilyn, nice to meet you we have been having clean-ups ever since the school year started and stopped recently due to the COVID and the Measles outbreak we had earlier this year.

D0316   2020-05-15 18:56:09

Hey Shem, we planted trees as a group. I planted about ten to twelve trees in total. We planted about 100-150 as a group.

D0316   2020-05-15 18:58:01

So sorry for the late reply to you both!:)

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Bel   2020-05-05 14:35:07 (Last post: 2020-05-07 12:14:56)

Talofa- Last week Friday, I did a virtual talk for 4-11 yr. olds on Human Threats (basic). What are you guys up to? Hope all is well. Much alofa (love) from American Samoa!

Bel   2020-05-05 14:47:11

Forgot to introduce myself. Hi, my name Isabel Gaoteote Halatuituia. I am the Education Coordinator/IT Specialist for the National Marine Sanctuary of American Samoa. Glad to be here and it's great to see our local students conversing with Washington students! Malo lava sharks! I am also a Samoana Sharks alumni, c/o nevermind.


JACervant   2020-05-06 22:48:40

Isabel Gaoteote Haltuitula, my mom works in the IT Department within my school district. It sounds cool to be working for the National Marine Sanctuary of American Samoa. What are some of your duties?

Bel   2020-05-07 12:14:56

Hey JACervant! Well, some of my IT tasks include:

*troubleshoot our computers, and network if there are any issues.
*update/maintain computers, and server (program, etc...)
*troubleshoot our Science on a Sphere
*order IT supplies when needed

How about you? What are you learning right now? I am homeschooling my kids and did a virtual presentation on human impacts for 5-10 year students.

Hope all is well, and be safe.

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ati4   2020-05-07 00:23:48
helping out the environment

hi everybody but I'm Ationomua Chongwong and I did a previous post about giving back to the environment on a different account but this is a new one because I forgot my account for the last one but here is another one to share with you guys about how were helping to save our community or in general terms our world, but last couple of days I have been working on growing plants found locally on our island and also I've been able to help out my family making beautiful gardens which help make our environment look beautiful and increase nutrient to spread around to help grow things on planet earth as we occupy over it. 


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Zamowahhh   2020-05-02 11:29:53

hello all, my name is Jorge Zamora and i'm a senior at Olympic high school in Washington state. we're currently stuck in quarantine and learning about earth's carbon cycle. hope you're all doing well.

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Ati   2020-04-23 17:47:37 (Last post: 2020-04-30 20:37:54)
Giving back to the environment

I have tried helping out giving back to the environment by planting vegetables, and plants, clean my surroundings and trying to the best of my ability to make aware of my family about the importance of keeping the world healthy. ??✨

JACervant   2020-04-28 16:34:49

My family is going to start planting flowers in our front yard. We want to create a bee garden! Looking for plants bees love any suggestions would be great.

Marli R.   2020-04-29 16:35:20

My family is making gardens and my mother bought this thing that had 10 bee eggs of a type of bee that is just meant for pollination

JACervant   2020-04-30 20:37:54

Is it a kit? What is it called? Can you order it, or did your mom buy it locally? Do you have specific plants or flowers for the bees. I'm thinking mother's day is around the corner and would be a nice gift to her and the earth.

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Marli R.   2020-04-29 16:24:32
Environmental Science

Hi, I am Marli, I am a Junior at Olympic High School, we are learning about the Carbon Cycle, and how carbon affects our planet.

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eethan   2020-04-29 16:13:31

Hey Everyone

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JACervant   2020-04-28 16:31:54
Hello from Washington!


Happy belated Earth Day!
I'm a Junior at Olympic High School and working from home.

We are learning about our carbon imprint on the earth.
Although I'm struggling with being home bound, the earth seems to be loving it!

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Maru   2020-04-28 09:33:53
Hello everyone

Hello everyone My name is Shem, I live in the pacific northwest United State, and Im learning about climate change

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MadilynLarsen   2020-04-27 14:40:02
Environmental Science

Hey, I'm Madilyn and I'm from Washington,USA. In environment science we are learning about climate change and ways to combat it.

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pmareko   2020-04-22 02:29:12 (Last post: 2020-04-27 12:34:32)
Talofa from American Samoa

Greetings and Talofa!

I am Penelope Mareko and I am an instructor/teacher at one of the public high schools in American Samoa. I have a group of 15 students in AP Environmental Science and they are pleased to meet and hear from anyone in Washington on this ePen Pal. I am excited for Earth Day and the importance of keep our Earth blessed and fruitful with all the beautifulness out there in the environment.

Hope to hear from some of you soon!

kj43095@icloud.com   2020-04-27 11:38:27

how is it being a teacher

Zamowahhh   2020-04-27 12:34:32

what are you guys currently learning in class?

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kj43095@icloud.com   2020-04-27 11:36:46
who you are, where your from and what you are learning about in class

who am i im Keith Jones im from florida and in class were learning about  colleagues around the Pacific and to share your thoughts and actions about watershed, ocean health and climate change!

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hodin   2020-01-02 07:17:31
Welcome to Bonds Across the Water!

This is a forum for discussing Bonds Across the Water. Welcome, and thanks for joining us.

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41 posts

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