Articles |
Author |
Title |
Shaun Kelley Jahshan | Reader-Oriented Polyphony? Zhang Zhupo's Commentary on the Jin Ping Mei |
Joel Reed | Nationalism and Geoculture in Defoe's History of Writing |
Jerome McGann | Mary Robinson and the Myth of Sappho |
Anita Levy | Jane Eyre, the Woman Writer, and the History of Experience |
Reviews |
Author |
Title |
Matthew J Smith | The Subject of Violence: The "Song of Roland" and the Birth of the State by Peter Haidu |
Susan Staves | Plots and Counterplots: Sexual Politics and the Body Politic in English Literature, 1660-1730 by Richard Braverman |
Clifford Siskin | Poetry as an Occupation and an Art in Britain, 1760 - 1830 by Peter Murphy |
Andrea Frisch | Seeing Together: Friendship between the Sexes in English Writing from Mill to Woolf by Victor Luftig |