GPSS Senators: Welcome Back Kick-Off – 10/9

To those of you who are joining us this year, welcome! For the many who are returning, welcome back!

We will be kicking off our Senate year next Wednesday, October 9th from 5:30-7:00 in HUB 332 and are looking forward to seeing all of you there.

We will be focusing on appointing members to committees, so if you were involved in one last year we would love for you to say a few words during the break out session. Also, please remember that Senate meetings are open to the public, so feel free to invite anyone in your department who may be interested. Same goes for our…

Open House / Mixer tomorrow in the GPSS office (HUB 314) from 5-8pm complete with light refreshments and heavy socializing! (not sure what that entails, but committees will be certainly be involved)

Please also note that funding applications are now open! Contact Genesis Gavino, our indefatigable Treasurer, with questions ( and forward this information to your constituents

Departmental Allocations:

Special Allocations:

Travel Grants:

For more information, please contact Elisa Law at


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