OMA&D Academic Counseling Services

May 3, 2022

Upcoming Scholarship Events

Intro to Global Fellowships 

Wednesday, May 4th at 4:30pm

Interested in bringing a global perspective to your education? Join Global Fellowships Prep to learn about how to take advantage of funded opportunities for global engagement available to you during your time at UW and beyond. We’ll talk about scholarships for study abroad, free or reduced cost programs, and language study, as well as opportunities to research, teach, study, or intern abroad after graduation.

Get Your Ideas Flowing: Essays and CVs for scholarships and global fellowships

Thursday, May 5th at 12pm

Ready to get started on scholarship, study abroad, major, or other applications? This workshop will help you kickstart the process and give you a sense of what to focus on when preparing your applications.

A Global Fellowships Conversation for 1st and 2nd Year Students 

Thursday, May 12th at 4pm

An informal conversation with a fellowships advisor and your fellow students to explore what opportunities might be a good fit for you, what questions you have, and what steps to take now to move towards the global opportunities you’re interested in, both now and after you graduate.

Making the Most of Your Summer: Setting yourself up for success next year

Tuesday, May 24th at 4:30pm

Join a UW advisor to talk about strategies to recharge, re-focus, and work towards your long-term goals over the summer, so you can hit the ground running next year.